What Are the Most Common Types of Truck Accident Cases?

Truck accidents are the most catastrophic and deadly road accidents anywhere in the world, due to the size and weight of trucks. So, as you drive on Virginia Beach roads, be sure to watch out for trucks driven carelessly. 

How can truck accidents be prevented? Because not all truck accidents can be avoidable, it’s important to know what you can do after a truck accident. There are important steps you need to take when you’re involved in a truck accident in Virginia Beach to ensure that the responsible parties compensate you.

How much are most truck accident settlements? Knowing how much you’re likely to get as compensation for your truck accident is important so that you can file your claim properly. You also need to learn how to find a great truck injury lawyer in Virginia Beach to help you file your claim and represent you in court if your case goes to trial.    

To file a successful truck accident claim, you need to gather enough evidence to prove that the truck driver was responsible for the accident. You should also know the different types of truck accident cases and how each of them will impact your final award.

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Common Types of Truck Accidents in Virginia Beach

Truck accidents are quite common in Virginia Beach mainly because many truck drivers don’t adhere to the stipulated rules and regulations. They also overlook common best truck driving practices, thus causing serious accidents and other unnecessary incidents on the road. Here are some of the most common types of truck accidents in Virginia Beach:


This truck accident occurs when a truck driver moving at high speed hits emergency brakes without slowing down first. This can cause the truck to fold at a ninety-degree angle, hitting cars, motorbikes, pedestrians, and objects in its way.

In most instances, an accident with a jackknifed truck is unavoidable for other vehicles because the trailer cuts off the road, blocking any escape routes.

Filing a jackknife accident claim is different from filing a claim for an accident in which a truck driver hits the back of your car while overspeeding. In a jackknife accident, the truck driver might argue that the accident was unintentional. So, you need an experienced truck accident attorney who understands how to handle such claims successfully.

Wide Turn

A wide-turn truck accident happens when a truck driver navigates and takes a right turn. Because steering a truck around tight corners is quite challenging, this may put other motorists at risk of getting trapped. 

Tire Blowout

A tire blowout accident occurs when one or several tires of a truck blow out in the middle of the road. If the truck driver is inexperienced, they might panic and lose control of the truck, causing it to roll or run into other cars and pedestrians. 

Rolling Over

Heavy commercial trucks are used to haul large, heavy cargo, which increases their risk of rolling over, especially when taking sharp corners. Although trucks sometimes roll over because of bad road design, recklessness and overspeeding by truck drivers are also major causes of this type of truck accident.

A Blind Spot

Blind-spot truck accidents are very common on highways because truck drivers can’t clearly see who’s behind them in rearview or side mirrors. This puts you in great danger when you’re driving behind a big rig truck, because you could get hit or tumbled over as you attempt to overtake the truck. 

Head-on Collisions

This type of truck accident usually occurs when a reckless truck driver drives at high speed on the wrong lane or overtakes another vehicle without minding the oncoming traffic. In this case, it’s very easy to prove that the truck driver was at fault. Your attorney should help you to prove your case.

Regardless of what kind of truck-involved accident you experienced, it’s important to get help from the best truck injury lawyers in Virginia Beach–such as those at Coastal Virginia Law–to make sure you’re compensated fairly for damages.

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