How Can Truck Accidents Be Prevented?

Before you can learn how to prevent truck accidents in Virginia Beach, it’s important to be aware of what causes them and what you can do when you’re involved in a truck accident. 

What are the most common types of truck accident cases? These causes of truck accidents are divided into two categories: driver-related causes and causes not attributable to truck drivers.

Driver-Related Causes of Truck Accidents


This happens when a truck driver drives for long hours without resting. So, they end up falling asleep on the steering wheel. This causes the driver to lose control of the truck putting other road users in danger.

Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

The law in Virginia is very strict when it comes to DUI. Because truck drivers have commercial driver’s licenses, their regulations for alcoholism are very stringent. Driving a commercial truck with a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of 0.04% and higher, you risk getting arrested and prosecuted for DUI. Truck drivers driving while intoxicated are likely to cause serious accidents because they’re unable to make sensible decisions.


The number one cause of most truck accidents in Virginia Beach is reckless driving. This involves drivers who drive their trucks without much regard for other road users and traffic rules.

Poor Cargo Loading

Because commercial trucks haul large cargo, truck drivers are required to ensure that their cargo is loaded properly and remains within the required weight to avoid accidents. If the cargo is not loaded properly, it might fall off while driving, thus putting other road users at risk. It can also cause the truck to overturn on the road.

Causes Not Attributable to Truck Drivers

Dangerous Weather and Road Conditions

Driving in bad weather is risky, especially when the road is snowy, icy, or foggy. These conditions will make it difficult for truck drivers to see the road properly. It’s also difficult for trucks to maintain the right traction and brake properly.

If the road is not designed properly, or if it’s not properly maintained, trucks are unable to maneuver the road well, risking serious accidents. It’s also risky for truck drivers to drive on roads that don’t have proper road signs, guard rails, and traffic lights.

Poor Working Conditions

Many truck drivers work under pressure from their employers to meet specific timelines. Unfortunately, some of these timelines are unrealistic, causing truck drivers to work long hours without resting. This leads to fatigue, which results in serious road accidents.

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How to Prevent Truck Accidents in Virginia Beach

It’s important for all drivers, including truck drivers, to undergo defensive driving training. This training offers essential driving skills any driver can use to prevent serious truck accidents in Virginia Beach. Here are some other important measures you can take to avoid truck accidents:

Maintain a Safe Distance

As noted earlier, trucks have a blind spot that you should try to avoid when driving behind them, as the driver may not see you. You can avoid blind spot accidents by maintaining a safe distance behind the truck. This also gives you enough time and space to react when the truck breaks or takes a turn suddenly.

Pull Over at the Right Spots

If you need to pull over on the highway, you should look for areas with wider shoulders to allow large trucks to pass you safely. If it’s not an emergency, look for a designated pull-off spot. This prevents trucks from swiping your car as they pass you.

Approach Turning Trucks Carefully

A commercial truck requires a wider space to turn or take a corner. So, be careful when driving side-by-side with a large truck because it might end up pushing you off the road or swiping your car. Make sure you estimate the truck’s speed when turning to know when to slow down and give it space to turn.

Avoid Racing with a Truck

Serious accidents when drivers of small cars attempt to play “chicken” with trucks on the highway. If a truck tries to overtake you, just give way and maintain a safe distance. Your safety should be your responsibility and priority.

If you’re ever involved in a truck accident, make sure you have a qualified and experienced Virginia Beach truck injury attorney to represent you. At Coastal Virginia Law, we know how to gather the right evidence and argue your case if it goes to trial to make sure you’re fully compensated.

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