Same-Sex Divorce Rate In Virginia

Same-sex divorce rates in Virginia currently aren’t known because no current records contain that information. However, through understanding same-sex divorce rates throughout the rest of the world, we can understand what the rates would likely be in Virginia.

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History Of Same-Sex Divorce In Virginia

In Virginia, same-sex marriage only became legal in 2014. Before this, the Virginia Marriage Amendment was passed in 2006, defining marriage as being between a man and a woman only. The amendment discriminated against same-sex marriages and banned them completely. It also prohibited the recognition of same-sex marriage performed in other states.

The amendment caused countless issues regarding same-sex couples and divorce. Since same-sex marriage wasn’t recognized, divorce couldn’t be recognized either. Same-sex couples had few rights, and marriages and divorces weren’t documented.

However, on October 6, 2014, the Supreme Court declared The Virginia Marriage Amendment unconstitutional. This legalized same-sex marriages in the Virginia. And at that point, same-sex marriages were able to take place. Finally, the federal government made same-sex marriages legal across the nation in 2015.

Same-Sex Divorce Rate In America

Although the same-sex divorce rate is uncalculable using current data in Virginia, it is still calculable in the rest of the country. Various sources are currently collecting divorce rate data, but reports from 2014-15 are often still used.

Initially, the Washington Post stated that the divorce rate among same-sex couples was 1%. But this was corrected by the Huffington Post to be 2%. Current data shows that the divorce rate remains at 2%, which is the same as the divorce rate for heterosexual couples.

Same-Sex Divorce Rates Across The Rest Of The World

Among the rest of the world, divorce rates do tend to vary. Places like the UK and Australia, countries most similar in culture to the USA, have very similar divorce rates ranging from 1-3%.

However, other European countries do not have the same rate. For example, countries like Switzerland and the Netherlands have much higher divorce rates in same-sex marriages. This could be because same-sex marriage is more accessible and culturally accepted than in other countries.

Same-Sex Divorce Rates For Gay And Lesbian Couples

Another interesting statistic that could influence the divorce rate of same-sex couples in Virginia is that lesbian couples have a higher divorce rate. Female marriages represent almost 75% of the divorces in same-sex couples in the USA. That’s a significant percentage. The divorces in Virginia are likely comparable to that percentage. However, it is highly subjective, and the results could be completely different.


With current data, it is difficult to determine the divorce rate of same-sex couples in Virginia. Since the legalization of same-sex marriages is relatively new, only time will show what the actual divorce rate is in Virginia. There has likely been an increase in same-sex marriages that could lead to an increase in divorce rates. But without good data, we don’t know. Hopefully, soon we will have better data that can give us accurate information. Read more about the cost of a divorce lawyer.

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