Why You Need To Hire a Virginia Beach Motorcycle Lawyer | Coastal Virginia Law Firm
Although car accidents can be fatal, motorcycle accidents in Virginia are often worse because cyclists and their passengers aren’t insulated by airbags or seat belts. The only protection motorcyclists have when driving is their safety gear like gloves, helmets, kneecaps, and other protective clothing. So, when motorcyclists are involved in a motorcycle crash, the chances of sustaining serious injuries, disability, or losing their life are very high.
This is why you need the assistance of a qualified and experienced motorcycle accident lawyer to help you file a compensation claim or a personal injury lawsuit in Virginia. But does it mean that you should hire motorcycle accident lawyers for all motorcycle accidents in Virginia Beach? Of course not–some minor motorcycle accidents can be resolved without any legal representation from qualified attorneys.
However, you should be able to effectively distinguish between minor and serious motorcycle accidents. Otherwise, you might end up settling for less compensation when you choose to settle the case without the help of a Virginia Beach motorcycle attorney. Every insurance company is going to try to settle for as little compensation as possible. If you feel that your settlement is less than the compensation you deserve, you can talk with an accident attorney to discuss your legal options.
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What You Need To Know About
Common Types of Motorcycle Accidents in Virginia Beach, Virginia
In Virginia Beach, motorcycle accidents are quite common, and often come with disastrous injuries and loss. The severity of a motorcycle accident depends on the amount of impact and the type of protective gear the motorcyclists have on, which is why it’s very important to always wear your safety clothing when riding a bike.
Although this protective gear won’t prevent you completely from sustaining serious injuries, it will minimize the severity of the injuries and save your life. There are three main types of motorcycle accidents that you should be aware of on Virginia roads: T-bone collisions, rear-enders, and sideswipes.
A motorcycle T-bone collision occurs when the front end of a motor vehicle or a motorcycle crashes into the side of another motorcycle. This is one of the deadliest motorcycle accidents on Virginia Beach roads because it puts the motorcyclist in direct contact with the other motorbike or car.
If you’re lucky to escape the Virginia Beach accident alive, the accident is likely to leave you with lifelong injuries. A rear-ender is another deadly motorcycle accident that occurs when a motor vehicle rams into the back of a motorcycle. Depending on the impact, a rear-ender often lifts the rear wheel of the bike and flips it, sending it crashing onto the road or the vehicles in front.
In some instances, the speeding vehicle ends up running over the motorcyclist and their bike. In other cases, the accident only causes minor damages to the rear side of the bike and the cyclist comes out of it unscathed. A motorcycle side-swipe occurs when a car swerves into a lane occupied by a motorbike, causing the side of the car and that of the bike to collide in an accident.
Compared to the other two types of motorcycle accidents that can happen in Virginia, a side swipe is less deadly, but it can result in serious injuries and damages. It can cause damage to your motorcycle, including scratches, stripping, broken side mirrors, a damaged gas tank, and extensive damage to the engine. While some of these accidents can be resolved without involving motorcycle accident lawyers, many of them are serious and may require you to file a personal injury lawsuit or a compensation claim in Virginia Beach.
How a Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Virginia Can Help with Your Accident Case
A motorcycle accident attorney can help you in many ways when you’re seeking compensation for your accident case and justice for the damages you and your motorbike sustained during an accident. Here are the main responsibilities of a motorbike accident lawyer in Virginia Beach, Virginia:
Investigating the Motorcycle Accident
While it’s important to inform the police of the accident so that they can do thorough investigations, you shouldn’t rely solely on their findings for your case because they might not have the correct details about the motorcycle accident. Because police officers arrive at the scene of the accident when it has already occurred, they tend to rely heavily on eyewitness accounts, which aren’t always accurate and misrepresent the damages that occurred in the accident.
This is why you need a qualified motorcycle accident attorney to look into the accident independently and establish an accurate version of the accident. The lawyer might discover certain important aspects of the accident that the police and other investigative bodies may have overlooked. Because your lawyer understands the legal implications of the accident, they’ll interview witnesses and invite them to testify in your case. This additional evidence can help you win your case and get you the compensation you deserve for damages.
Answering Legal Questions About Virginia Beach Law
When you are involved in a serious motorbike accident, you’ll have many questions about the legal actions you should take and your liability for the accident, if any. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed by the case and unsure about your next cause of action after a Virginia motorcycle crash–this is where a qualified motorcycle lawyer comes in handy.
Attorneys will have extensive knowledge of the law and will advise you on what to do after the accident. If you don’t know how to file a claim or personal injury lawsuit, your lawyer will be there to guide you through the whole process. After filing the accident claim, you may want to know if you have a chance of winning the case. So, your lawyer will carefully analyze the available evidence and advise you accordingly.
Calculating Compensation for Your Motorcycle Accident
Because the main goal of filing a motorcycle accident claim is to receive compensation for your injuries, you need to ensure that your settlement is appropriately based on all the economic damages that incurred. If the accident doesn’t kill you, it’s likely going to leave you with serious injuries that will require extensive medical care. Furthermore, you might not be able to work and take care of yourself and your family, which can cause significant economic damages.
Therefore, you’ll rely on the compensation from your case to take care of your medical expenses and other financial needs. Your motorcycle lawyer will do the calculations and come up with the right amount of compensation for your case; lawyers will also push the insurance company and the at-fault driver to make sure you’re fully compensated.
Reputable Lawyers to Represent Your Virginia Settlement
If your injury claim ends up in court, your attorney will be there to represent you and ensure you get justice. They’ll help you to prepare all the necessary legal documents and file the suit promptly. Your lawyer will interview witnesses and hold depositions for all economic damages.
We’ve helped thousands of clients win their cases. Your case could be next by calling for a free consultation.
Final Thoughts on Hiring Virginia Beach Lawyers for Your Motorcycle Case
Remember that all accident claims are subject to the statute of limitations set out by Virginia law. Therefore, you should hire lawyers who’ll ensure that your motorcycle accident case is filed promptly so that you don’t lose your compensation, such as those from Coastal Virginia Law. You can book a free consultation with one of our attorneys to discuss your Virginia Beach motorcycle accident case.
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