3 Common Defense Strategies in Assault Cases

In assault and battery cases, your criminal defense attorney will build an effective defense strategy on your behalf. The type of defense your attorney builds for you depends on the type of crime the police have charged you with. Once you have hired a criminal defense lawyer, they will use the facts of the case along with the compiled evidence to come up with one of the following common defense strategies:

1. You Were Acting in Self-Defense

One of the most widely used strategies in assault and battery cases is the claim of self-defense. Your criminal defense lawyer can tell the court that you were only defending yourself. For this claim to be successful, your lawyer needs to prove that you acted with reasonable force. This means they had no choice, but to defend themselves against the other person.

However, reasonable force does not mean firing off a weapon. It includes using a pepper spray or placing the other person in a headlock. If the attack ended, but you continued applying force, you may face legal trouble. One way your attorney can prove this strategy is by locating a surveillance camera or witness.

2. You Were Defending Others

Another defense strategy is that you were defending others from the attack. Your criminal defense attorney will tell the court that you had to attack the other person, as to you, they seemed like a threat. However, for this strategy to work, your lawyer needs to prove that you did not use excessive force.

3. You Were Defending Your Property

In some states, not all, you can use force to defend your property. This strategy will only work if you were defending your home from another person. The court may rule in your favor if your lawyer can prove that you used reasonable force to take back your property as is the case with people recovering their purse from thieves.

Your criminal defense attorney will look at your case to determine the best defense strategy to use. Your attorney will look at the evidence and ask all the right questions to build a successful defense strategy for you.

Do You Require a Solid Criminal Defense Strategy?

You need to find yourself a qualified and experienced criminal defense attorney with an excellent track record in helping people accused of assault and battery cases get a reduced or better charge. If the police have charged you or a loved one with assault and battery, you need to get yourself legal assistance immediately.

The sooner you get a lawyer to represent you in court, the better your chances of getting a successful result, one that is in your favor. You can get in touch with a criminal defense attorney to set up an appointment or a family member on your behalf can.

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