Do I Need an Attorney For My Motorcycle Accident Case?

If you’re a dedicated rider, you’re likely aware that motorcyclists frequently face more severe injuries compared to occupants of other vehicles. What you might not realize, though, is that drivers and their insurance providers often attempt to shift some or all of the blame onto motorcyclists, fueled by unfair biases.

In the aftermath of a crash, the other driver and their insurer may argue that you played a role in causing or contributing to the accident. It’s a strategy to dodge responsibility for the collision, even if the truth is that your injuries resulted from their actions.

But here’s the deal–you shouldn’t let them off the hook. What you need is a lawyer who will stand up for your rights and set the record straight. Your attorney will dive into the details, untangle what really happened, and pinpoint who should be held accountable for the crash.

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Does Fault Determine Whether I Can Pursue Damages?

In most states, when you’re injured in an accident, you can seek damages even if you share some degree of fault. Unfortunately, Virginia follows a different path. In the realm of legal principles, Virginia adheres to what’s known as ‘contributory negligence.’ 

This means that if you’re deemed to have contributed in any way to the accident, you’re barred from holding another party responsible for the damages you’ve endured. In practical terms, this translates to shouldering the burden of hefty medical and repair bills without the prospect of an insurance payout from the party at fault; Virginia’s at-fault laws do indeed apply to motorcycle accidents.

Virginia’s stringent stance on contributory negligence underscores the utmost importance of promptly securing the services of a seasoned attorney following your accident. Your lawyer will safeguard your interests and ensure you don’t unfairly bear the blame for the collision.

What Am I Entitled to if I Was Injured in a Crash?

You hold the right to pursue compensation if you find yourself injured due to someone’s reckless or negligent actions that led to a motorcycle collision. 

It’s unfortunately common for motorcyclists to be unfairly faulted for accidents they had no hand in causing–you have the rightful claim to seek damages from the individual responsible for your injuries. A proficient attorney can be instrumental in establishing that the driver who collided with you was indeed at fault, and consequently, that their insurer should shoulder the responsibility for your losses.

How Can a Lawyer Help Me? 

If you’re unfamiliar with navigating a motorcycle crash, assuming your insurance policy will cover everything you need is a common but misplaced belief. The reality is different–to secure economic and non-economic damages, your attorney must establish the liability of the person who caused your injuries. This could compel their insurance company to cover:

  • The medical expenses you’ve already incurred
  • Anticipated future treatments related to your injuries
  • Lost wages during your absence from work
  • Costs tied to property damage, such as the repair or replacement of your motorcycle
  • Damages for the pain and suffering you’ve endured

To pursue these and other rightful claims effectively, you need a proficient attorney by your side. At Coastal Virginia Law, our Virginia Beach motorcycle accident attorneys are more than just advisors; they’re trusted guides who will steer you towards the right course of action. 

Don’t leave your fate in the hands of insurance adjusters whose primary goal is to save their company money, not ensure you receive the full compensation you’re owed. Your Coastal Virginia attorney will tirelessly strive for the comprehensive and just recompense you rightfully deserve!

Looking for more information on the common types of motorcycle accidents? Don’t miss our latest post.

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