What Are the Most Common Injuries in Motorcycle Accidents?

As a motorcyclist in Virginia Beach, it’s important to understand that some accidents are inevitable because you’re not the only one using the road. So, even as you learn how to ride your bike carefully, you also need to have an idea of who is responsible for most motorcycle accidents on Virginia Beach roads so that you can avoid them.

Secondly, you should be aware of the common injuries that occur in motorcycle accidents. This information is essential because it’ll help you to prepare adequately for any incidents on the road.

For instance, you can get the right protective gear to minimize the risk of injuries when you’re involved in a motorbike accident. Also, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the existing laws that you can rely on to seek compensation.

How much are most motorcycle accident settlements in Virginia Beach? There isn’t a standardized amount of compensation for motorcycle accidents in Virginia Beach–the amount of settlement you get depends on many factors, including the extent of your injuries and the kind of Virginia Beach motorcycle attorney you hire for your case.

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Common Injuries in Motorcycle Accidents in Virginia Beach

As noted above, the kind of injuries you sustain in a motorbike accident and their severity will determine the amount of settlement you get from the parties responsible. So, understanding these injuries and how they occur is very important for your compensation claim. Here are the most common injuries that occur in motorcycle accidents:

Traumatic Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when your head is knocked or jolted violently during an accident. It can also result from objects like pieces of metal or a shattered skull fragment hitting your brain.

A TBI can be mild or serious, depending on the severity of the accident. A mild TBI will only have a temporary effect on your brain cells, while a serious TBI can lead to bruising of your brain, torn brain tissues, and internal bleeding in your brain. Sadly, a serious TBI can be fatal or result in permanent disabilities.

Spinal Cord Injury

A spinal cord injury happens when there’s an abrupt and violent blow to your spine. This injury can affect any part of your spinal cord or nerves at the end of your spinal canal. It can result in permanent loss of sensation, loss of movement in your lower body, and loss of strength.

When you sustain a spinal cord injury, you’ll require rehabilitation, physical and psychological therapy, and the use of assistive devices to help you live a productive and independent life. You’ll also need continuous treatment, which may include prescription drugs to minimize the effects of the injury and surgery to keep your spine steady.


A whiplash injury occurs when your head is jolted forward and backward violently in a whip-like movement. This movement stretches the muscles and ligaments in your neck quickly and dangerously, which can result in trauma, numbness and weakness in one or both arms, loss of balance, neck pain, blurred vision, dizziness, and ringing in your ears. You should see your doctor immediately if any of these symptoms occur.

Fractures and Amputations

A serious motorbike accident can leave you with broken ribs or amputated limbs and legs. Because there’s nothing to protect you against the impact of a crash as there would be in a car, your body comes into direct contact with the ground or other objects involved in the motorbike accident. This results in severe damage to your bones and the tissues around them.

Facial Disfigurement   

Because your facial bones are small and delicate, they can easily break when your face hits the ground or a car during an accident. When your motorbike crashes and you land face-first, your facial bones, such as your nose, cheekbones, jawbone, or forehead might get fractured.

This injury will not only cause you immense pain, but it can also result in severe facial disfigurement. You may have to undergo facial reconstruction surgery to restore your facial structure.

Organ Damage and Internal Bleeding

These are among the worst and most dangerous motorcycle accident injuries because they’re not visible at first. So, you might dismiss them as mere bruises and fail to seek the right medical care. When your bike crashes into a car, the ground, or another hard object, you might sustain serious kidney, pancreas, liver, lung, and heart injuries. These injuries will lead to internal bleeding, which can be fatal if not detected and fixed immediately.

Now that you understand the seriousness of motorcycle injuries, be sure to find a qualified and experienced personal injury attorney in Virginia Beach to help you seek sufficient compensation when you’re involved in an accident that’s not your fault–so that you can get the medical coverage you deserve. 

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