What Is the Most Common Motorcycle Accident?

While cruising along the open road, the last thing on a motorcycle rider’s mind is the prospect of an accident. Even though it’s an unsettling topic, having an understanding of the risk factors is vital for avoiding this hazardous situation.

The statistics surrounding motorcycle accidents paint a somber picture. According to a 2018 study conducted by the American National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), around 80% of all reported motorcycle crashes lead to injury or fatalities, a shocking comparison to the 20% figure for passenger vehicles crashes ending in injury or death. 5,000 motorcyclists lose their lives each year in the US alone.

So, what are the most common reasons behind motorcycle crashes? Let’s explore them here.

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Excessive Speed

Every rider understands the allure of sweeping curves and open stretches, but exceeding the limits on public roads carries grave repercussions. As per a 2017 study by the NHTSA, around 31% of all motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes in the US were found to be speeding.

Crashes linked to speed can manifest in various forms, from riding too fast for prevailing weather conditions and road features (think gravel on bends or irregularities in the road surface), to failing to provide ample response time for other road users or sometimes simply surpassing one’s own skill level.

Under the Influence

Tragically, alcohol use stands as one of the primary culprits behind motorcycle crashes worldwide. Operating any motor vehicle under the influence is a recipe for disaster, and this holds especially true for motorcycles.

According to the NHTSA’s 2018 study, nearly 30% of bikers involved in fatal motorcycle accidents had blood-alcohol concentrations exceeding the legal limit. Additionally, almost 45% of bikers in fatal accidents had some level of alcohol in their system.

Lack of Experience

Every rider should invest substantial time in training before hitting the road. Still, data reveals a troubling statistic: a staggering 29% of all motor fatalities involve riders without a valid license.

For novice riders, it’s highly advisable to dedicate their first rides to mastering less demanding roads, allowing them to hone their skills. Additionally, there are valuable resources available for ongoing education, including classes and one-on-one coaching offered by numerous motorcycle schools and organizations. Licensing courses encompass a comprehensive range of topics, from the fundamentals of motorcycle operation to critical and life-saving motorcycling maneuvers.

Lack of Attention

Inattention poses yet another significant risk factor for motorcycle accidents, affecting both seasoned riders and newcomers alike. Multiple medical studies have shed light on the limitations of the human brain when it comes to multitasking. Rather than performing multiple tasks simultaneously, the brain toggles between them rapidly, often sacrificing full focus on any one task.

So, what does this mean for you as a rider? It’s a straightforward rule: stow away that smartphone, fix your gaze on the road ahead, and consider turning off that Bluetooth music when you’re on two wheels. In the realm of motorcycling, undivided attention can be a lifesaver.

Road Conditions

Roadway conditions are a frequently underestimated hazard for motorcycle riders, yet they can pose significant risks. These encompass factors that might go unnoticed in a car but can lead to serious accidents on a motorcycle. 

These include poorly lit roads and intersections, inadequately marked curves or merging areas, concealed driveways, pavement defects such as uneven surfaces, grooves, resurfacing, and potholes, unmarked lane changes, narrow or absent shoulders, absence of dividers, medians, or guardrails, low-hanging branches or obstructive vegetation, hazardous bridge joints, treacherous railroad tracks, gravel, sand, or debris, standing or flowing water, and accumulated leaves or grass clippings. 

Furthermore, certain types of corners can present unexpected challenges. Decreasing radius and off-camber corners are often particularly problematic for riders. It’s crucial to remain vigilant and adapt to these varying roadway conditions to ensure safe and smooth rides.

Seek Help From Coastal Virginia Law After a Motorcycle Accident

Coastal Virginia Law is a highly experienced motorcycle accident law firm with a proven track record of securing substantial compensation for victims of motorcycle crashes. Don’t make assumptions about your accident or fault–you need a qualified attorney for a motorcycle accident, and Coastal Virginia Law has your back.

Our dedicated team will leave no stone unturned in investigating every aspect of the crash, going as far as virtual reconstruction if required. We are committed to uncovering the true liability in your case and determining the best course of action to secure the maximum compensation possible for your motorcycle accident.

When you’ve experienced a serious motorcycle crash, our skilled Virginia Beach motorcycle accident lawyers are here to provide you with the support and legal expertise you need!

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