Who Is Responsible for Most Motorcycle Accidents?

As the motorcycle community continues to grow in Virginia Beach, motorcycle accidents in the area have become quite common. Unfortunately, many of these accidents are fatal or horrific enough to leave you permanently disabled or with life-altering injuries. 

What are the most common injuries in motorcycle accidents? A motorbike accident can leave you with many serious injuries, including fractures, neck injuries, spinal cord injuries, and internal bleeding, among others. This is why you need to be extra careful when riding your motorbike on Virginia Beach roads.

Although not all motorbike accidents are instigated by cyclists, it’s important to ride your bike responsibly to reduce the chances of getting involved in an accident. So, if cyclists aren’t solely to blame, then who is responsible for most motorcycle accidents in Virginia Beach?

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Main Causes of Motorbike Accidents in Virginia Beach

To determine who is responsible for motorcycle accidents, it’s important to understand the main causes of these incidents. Here are the top causes of motorbike accidents in Virginia Beach:

Wrong Left Turns

Wrong left turns by reckless motor vehicle drivers are a major cause of serious motorbike accidents. They occur when you’re riding in the same direction as a car that suddenly takes a left turn. 

Be careful when overtaking a car on the left side, because this is a major blind spot for most drivers, especially trailer and truck drivers. Keep a safe distance to know when the car is about to turn left.


Whether you’re riding a motorbike or driving a car, you must stay within the posted speed limits. Unfortunately, many cyclists and car drivers don’t pay attention to speed limits, so they have little or no time to react to emergency brakes.

This results in serious crashes and other dangerous situations on the road. As a biker, try to stay within the stipulated speed limit as often as possible. This way, you can always be in control of your motorbike, even when you encounter a reckless driver. Additionally, always stay aware of the speed of other drivers on the road and give way to any overspeeding driver.

Driving Under the Influence

The rule of thumb is to never drive a car or ride a motorcycle while drunk or under the influence of any substance. When you’re drunk, your judgment is skewed and you’re likely to miscalculate distances and maneuvers on a busy Virginia Beach road. Furthermore, the effects of alcohol or drugs will leave you unaware of your surroundings.

Car Door Accidents

When you drive next to a parked vehicle, watch out for doors that might open abruptly, knocking you down. This accident usually happens when a car breaks down or is involved in an accident on the highway.

As the driver or their passenger comes out of the car to check the damage, they might forget to watch out for oncoming bikes. This accident is also common on roads with street-side parking spaces–so, be sure to approach such cars carefully and keep a safe distance.

Final Thoughts

From the causes of motorbike accidents discussed above, it’s clear that car drivers are the main offenders–but this doesn’t absolve irresponsible bikers from blame when riding recklessly. 

When you’re driving behind a vehicle, maintain a safe distance to give yourself enough time to react to emergency brakes. Otherwise, you’ll end up crashing into the car’s back. You should also avoid driving too close to the car in front of you because you might not have sufficient time to slow down if the car takes a sudden left turn.

Lastly, the information provided above means you can be involved in a motorcycle accident at any time, even when you’re not at fault. When this happens, you need to find a qualified personal injury attorney who’s experienced in handling motorcycle accidents in Virginia Beach, like those at Coastal Virginia Law. With a qualified Virginia Beach motorcycle lawyer by your side, you’re assured of getting fully compensated by the parties responsible.

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